Wow, this seems pretty easy. We will see. This is my first time blogging. First time posting. Haven't been a virgin in a long time. Feels pretty scarey. But I am sure after a few more times, it should feel good. Enough of that, lets talk knitting!

I Love to knit. I have been knitting for over 20 years! I walked into a LYS in Caste Village, as a new wife with her handsome young husband wasting time till a table opened at Armstrongs.
The owner overheard my gasps and ews and aws over all of the beautiful yarns and handknit sweaters.
I was signed up for a begining knit class, and had my first bag of yarn and size 6 needles before dinner!
I was hooked! My first project was a christmas gift for my hubby. He cried! (AWWWW)
I ended up working for the shop and teaching the beginning knit classes, knitting two and designing for customers. It was in my blood!
My husband always said, it was great birth control. Why? I knit in bed, and its always, one more row honey, one more row.......
We did manage to get in two great kids, between a couple sweaters.
Well enough about that, fast forward 20 years later. We were headed to Florida for vacation, and we were driving. My goal, 8 pairs of socks. Silly girl. maybe 8 single socks? OK 8 divided by 2 socks.
I had a great time. Found out, I don't like Lantern Moon for socks. I do love Crystal Palace for socks! It is easy to knit socks while waiting in line at Disney world and you make friends the minute the socks come out of your Vera Bradley back pack! There are some great Yarn shops even in sunny Florida!
I hit lucky(unlucky if you ask hubby) in Cocoa Beach! This wonderful shop had almost all the high end yarns at 40% off!!! See why he said unlucky! Debbie Bliss 40% surely you jest, I said to the owner. Oh no, we offer the sale twice a year. Be still my heart. I am thinking Plane ticket, no kids or hubby, and back before they miss me. As my daughter shook me out of my dream, I said OK, I know what I want.
I came out with just a few balls of Steeler colored yarn for a scarf, for my aunt who lives there and is a die heart Steeler fan, and enough Debbie bliss cashmereno for a vest for hubby for Christmas. Um, I guess I should think about getting that out and started.
Hey this blogging is fun. And its getting easier.
So how many socks did I manage to get off needles? 1 pair of footie's, from bloomin yarns. 1 pair of self stripping, and 1 each of a pair I HATED and 1 that I didn't bring the other ball of yarn with me. SO all in all, I don't think I did too bad.
I did knit in the van, at the beach, at Disney, by the pool and in the hotel rooms and my aunt and uncle's home. Which I owe him a pair too!
I love knitting.
I love teaching it
I have probably taught over 200 women to knit. Its probably more, but I didn't count. I forgot.
Well, I have some knitting to do, and I want to see this when It is posted! I am so excited! Will it be positive? get the test kit and see!( sorry, remember I am a virgin)