And what have I been doing???? Everything possible!!!
When your family gets it NORMAL back, you're zest for life takes off!
It's wonderful having a healthy family. And for that I am so grateful.
So I want to give back a Lot! The quilt on the left is going to be auctioned off for "Relay for Life". Hoping to raise lots of money.
The quilt is my latest project... There have been many over the past year.
I will recap a little about the past year....
In February, for my birthday, my Cancer Free husband brought home this beauty. It was born June 10th, 1955. I love it!!! I have wanted one for years!!! It helped make the above quilt, and will help with many, many more.
Also in February I put together a Flash mob with 100 of my middle schoolers. It was for Bully awareness month. You can watch it if you would like. It was pretty cool.
SO February was a pretty full month!

The cap was for a friend. No one super special in my life, but just something I wanted to do. Not for anything other than, he wears them and I like to make them and see people smile when I give them something handmade.
My goal is to give back as much as was given to me....
Life is good, not perfect, but very good. You realize quickly, its not about the money, things or gifts. Its about Family.
My dear daughter, who has recently become a FULL TIME TEACHER, at a very good public school, I might add, got these for the ride in and back every morning.
She had picked them out a few years ago. And, well, a few years ago I was on auto pilot. The first pair were tooooo small, the gauge was all wrong. I switched the colors, which looked terrible. So off to zzzzzzzz land they went. Pulled them out the beginning of January, bought new yarn, changed the gauge and within a week she had her long wanted mittens! Very cute and very worn!!! And did I mention she is a Teacher!!!! Proud mom moment, thank you very much.
This pattern is in Ravelry.
Do you love love love Pinterest as much as me????? These were the centerpieces I made for my son's high school graduation.. $1.00 store frames ripped apart and then, parchment paper with the photo printed on it. take the glass out and replace with the parchment photo. Glue 4 of the same frames together and stick a votive in the middle and and and and, its just perfect!!!! Be careful with the candles.
This is my pride and Joy! I took a 30's Fabric class the summer of 2008. It was so much fun. I wanted to make a king sized quilt. Well I am not going to dwell on the past, so off to the closet they went and slept. Fast forward to November 2012 till January 2013, and the beautiful 30's quilt is sewn together, and quilted and already on our bed. And it has been washed once!!! IT is truly a beautiful piece that I hope will last for generations to come.
This was a weekend project for my dear nephew's sweetheart, that I am sure will be his wife one day soon. She is a huge Nancy Drew fan and the fabric came from the local quilt shop. I made this on the machine from start to quilting. It was a fun project and took no time at all to make and she loves it!!!
I have many more things to post, but I will wait and post more as the weeks come. I hope anyone who might read this is, Healthy, Happy and loves the arts and creating as much as I do. I hope I inspire you to pull out the UFO you have in your closet and finish it. It is such a good feeling !
Or maybe you don't craft at all. Take a minute and look for a class at a local fabric, craft or yarn shop, and take a beginner class. You will love it.
You may think you can't do this stuff, well, my cyber friend, you can, with baby steps, you can!!! And who knows, you may fall hopelessly in love with the craft like I have ! Just think of all the things you can make!!!!
Have a blessed day! I now am done typing, because.....I NEED TO KNIT!!!!