Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Closer to the end....

I am so excited! This picture does not do this
 sweater justice. It is almost done. The hubby is untangling the last skein as I type.  For some unknown reason the last skein is a disaster!  And he loves to untangle stuff. Lucky me.
The green really shows up on the picture.  The buttons are the best. I still need two more. If you know anyone
who has them, please let me know so I can get them!!!!  I plan on 
getting the ten inch neck done by this weekend. Ok maybe wendesday.  
I had a Big party for hubby's big 50 today, and tomor
row is our nephews birthday. SOOOO, time will not be my own....
I can take the knitting with me... But Hubby is still unwinding!  

I did pick up this beautiful yarn at the shop going out of business. It is Cherry Tree Hill, and it is Possum!! And a merino wool. Pretty cool. 
The other is a nice yarn that has little sequins on it. Its for my mom for Christmas. 

I am making her a scarf to go with her new purse. Her very first Coach. And it is red. She wants to carry her red purse When she wears her Black leather coat.
I found the yarn, and thought it was a perfect compliment to the purse and coat. And my mom has recently taken a liking to BLING, the tiny sequins play off the yarn nicely, giving her BLING

Once again the picture on the left is not 
doing the pattern justice. 
It is difficult to get a picture of a scarf. I will have her put it on at Christmas and then take a better pict
ure.   I have about 3/4 of the scarf complete. It's and easy 4 row repeat. It lends itself to tak
ing places and being able to carry on a conversation and work on a project. I like it.  The yarn does halo but it knits through with ease and is very pretty. I like it.

It is almost my bedtime. I am exhausted. I cooked and cooked and, well you know. Lots of really good food and family close by. A nice birthday for the hubby. My  Family suprised him with a HUGE snowblower.   I didn't know they made them that big!  We have a huge driveway, and he is old now, so it should come in handy! Lets hope it snows lots this winter. 
                                                          Good night my knittin peeps. Peace out and keep knitting.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is a picture my 14 year old son took outside the cabin, he and the hubby went to a few weeks ago. CRAZY! Not this girl. Thank you very much. Best part, it is the mommy bear. The cubs came for a visit too!

I haven't been able to find my camera, so I don't have my WIP pictures to show.  I am on the neck of daughters sweater. I have to knit a 10 inch neck! Boring. I did some frogging on young sons socks. It was way to wide! He has a very narrow flat foot. He would never be able to wear it.  BOO HOO!
I think I mentioned about the yarn shop closing in cannonsburgh. Went on saturday. I saved $397.00!!!! I left with two white garbage bags full of future projects.
I spent.........$103.00!!! All the patterns were a $1.00 and the yarn was $1.00 or 70% off.

Bloomin is Movin!!!! Just down the road. Closer to me!!! I like that. I can't wait to see the new shop. I love it there! Michelle is so sweet. I look forward to seeing all the new yarns and how the shop looks!

I will write more later. Its late , I need to pack lunches and make coffee. Bed is calling me......
Peace out, knit on!