The March KAL really had me guessing. I could not figure it out till I went to the designers site and she explained it. Then it was a AHHHH moment.
I did mine in the prettiest shade of blue.
Looking forward to the next KAL. I will probably be doing it from my husband's hospital bed. Bad news, he has to have some of his colon removed due to some tumors. The good news is he doesn't have cancer. Please keep him in your prayers.
So I have my knitting planned for the three to four hour surgery. And the waiting for him to re
cover too.
I finished this, umm, well, I liked the picture, but it didn't turn out as cute as what I expected. Its from "The Knitter's Stash" .

I finished this, umm, well, I liked the picture, but it didn't turn out as cute as what I expected. Its from "The Knitter's Stash" .
I put it on and it was too thick around my neck. I think it needs some short rowing in the back to minimize the thickness. And it would probably lay and look much better. That's my two cents on that.
What else is new? Tuesday knit class has turned into, Tuesday laugh a lot knit a little class. We have the best time ever. The ladies are the best around, and make you look forward to the very unpopular Tuesday, no where near friday, night. Everyone is working on their square of the month. One other knitter beside myself, is sticking to the plan. Knit on square a month. The other "Show Offs"(lol) are almost, if not done! GEE WEEZ.
I have decided to add some other colors to the mix, and may rip out what I have done. We will see.
Well its late sunday night and I have an early rise, thanks to the clocks getting pushed forward an hour. Till the next post, Keep knitting, because All I know is I need to knit!