Surgery was complicated. He came through. But spent a total of 35 days in the hospital. The good news. There was no cancer anywhere in his body. The lymph nodes that lit up on pet scan were false positives. Seems radiation did a number on him.
Are we healed? No. But alive.
He has a blockage. Its scar tissue. Causing cramping and pain. NO food. Just a feeding tube.
In the meantime. The daughter has made out. I made the vest at the hospital. I made this cute pullover too. The yarn was yummy soft! I think it will be hot, so she will probably wear it on cold campus days.
And this cutie is my nephew. He turned four. He wanted a sweater from Aunt Daubie(Debi). So of course I would make him what ever his heart desired! We went to breakfast and then to my favorite LYS. He picked the brightest yarn he could find. SO very cute!
I have the back done and am getting ready to finish the front. Can't wait to see this little cutie in it!!
If God sees it, I will post next time with happy news of no surgery and a husband gaining weight and headed to back to work.....