Monday, October 6, 2008

kidney stones!!

So, I write the post last night before I went to bed. I WAS FINE! At 2 o'clock in the morning I woke up with some pain, figured I had to go to the bathroom. Not so. The pain just kept getting worse and worse. I popped an ibuprofen and went back to bed. For about two minutes! By four in the morning I was doubled over in pain and throwing up. The pain in my left side was the worse pain ( including childbirth) I have ever had!
So off to the hospital again. I sat, stood, walked and waited with incredible pain for the doctor. Who promptly came in 2 hours later! Only to order the best drugs in the world!  Went for a CAT scan and xrays. And there it was a spiky, ugly mean 4mm stone! We came home and went to bed. I woke up and passed the lovely picture you see. Pure evil. Thank God its over! Hope NO one ever has to experience that!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

baby pumpkin hat

If you read my blog all the will remember my entry about my two friends. One who has pancreatic cancer and one who is expecting her first baby.  Well, the cancer friend is surviving.  The other is extremely uncomfortable and in labor. she may have already had the baby. Will find out tomorrow when I go to school.  
I decided to pop off this extremely cute pumpkin hat to her before she went on leave. But it was too late she didn't come in on thursday.  But, I do work with her husband as well, so he was taking it home with him. I found the free pattern on Ravelry. It was fast and really, really cute!!! All the teachers loved it! It practically fit in my hand. It was that small and cute! Did I say how CUTE it was? It was very cute.
Just kicking back, had young sons Confirmation party this afternoon, so I am a tad burned out. Had about 30 people. Tons of good food and lots of good conversation, all in all a great day!   know I am sitting with my feet up on my lazyboy, with needles and yarn next to me. I am ready to knit the evening away while my family watches the Steelers.
Have a great week and knit at least once a day!