I got this pattern, at least, 10 maybe 15 years ago. Fell in love with the vintage pattern and thought, socks for my DAD. The socks went to sleep and resurfaced a month ago. I had 1 sock completed and the ribbing and green line on the mug on my needles. WHAT! Really, you couldn't just finish them! I know, right. But they are now done and hopefully my Dad will
My KAL. It's the Day Break shawl, by Stephen West. My daughter saw the pattern and fell in love with it. I guess making mine will have to wait. This is hers. Its so easy. Except for the increases. My numbers don't add up when he tells you to increase. I had to add stitches to make it work in some parts, and so did my friend.
Finally, my FYS, had a huge sale. And did I take advantage of the sale??? Does a drunk stop drinking? A drug addict pass up a free fix? NOOOOOOO, nor did this YARNAHOLIC pass up a huge sale!!!! I love, love,love, did I say, Love my yarn purchases..... To the left are few of my purchases. My dealer, makes sure I can't stop by running the sale for a WHOLE week!!! SO, I came in Monday only to get a quick fix and think about all that was there, waiting for me. I bought my CANCER FREE husband pure 100% cashmere yarn for socks. And I got that yarn for 40 % off. I love it. Never felt something so yummy soft. He deserves it.
So, while the dog is snoozing next to me and the hubby, who is CANCER FREE watches the Pens win the playoff, I am going to KNIT!!!! Happy Knitting