Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Projects!

New year, New projects..... OK, two new, one old that needs finished.

I put my yarn and book down to take the shot for the blog, and Larry felt the need to be a part of the picture! So here he is, posing of course. Cats, who can figure them out. Any other time, I am just a means to filling and empty food bowl! 
I digress.

Hope your New Year has been a good one!  I know mine is already. Why? Last year at this time I was recovering from surgery! I feel much better this year. 
I started the sweater on the left the Saturday after Christmas. It moves quickly. I love the colors. Kaffe 
Fasset, colourscapes.  If I work on it tonight, I will be done with the back. Its that quick!

Now that Hubby has fallen in love with his new hand knit socks, I searched my stash, and found this yarn, for a quick Valentine's day gift.  The pattern is the very best one out there for basic socks. And my husband is as basic as you're going to get.  Nothing fancy for him.  
You maybe wondering about the knit two at a time book.......... Well.....I didn't like using two circular needles, and the gapping that occurs. I think it is something I need to work on. Updates later on that subject.

And finally, the old project. These mittens have been sitting in the UFO pile for probably, a, a, well, ok, oldest was in a, elementary!! tell me you have nothing that old!!  I mean what is 9 years!!! Nothing. It flies. Just ask the mittens!
Time to get to some knitting.... Think I will finish the mittens...... yea thats a good idea!