I made this, goodness, 5 maybe 6 years ago. Big Wool from Rowan. Made it for my 95lb daughter. When she put it on she looked....well lets just say it was lost till today. I found it in the very back of my closet. I had completely forgotten about it.
So I it pulled out, brushed it off and considered showing it to my 95lb soon to be twenty one year old. But then thought, nah she'll remember it and how it looked. This bulky sweater on her tiny frame. Just laughable.
That's when I decided, it was time to do what needed to be done...
RIPPPPP ITTTT OUT!!!!! I sat down as some good TV started. I ripped through two hours of television. And now I have these lovely pink balls of yummy Big Wool.
It wasn't hard to rip out this project. I don't remember knitting it. It didn't hold any good memories. I think I just needed something to do and probably got the yarn on sale.
I can't remember. So it didn't hurt.
At all. Not even a little bit.
What to make with this new yarn? I made this lovely green scarf and mitten set for the Hubby's Chemo Nurse. She is a old friend and very Irish. She will get it this coming Friday for St.Patrick's Day. Appropiate I think. So the daughter sees this set and makes the comment, "I love this scarf. I love the yarn." HA! Well it will look good on you, in pink! And, so that is how the bulky sweater became a frog and turned into.....A scarf!!!!
That is where I am. The orange vest is staring at me. It's halfway done. But I am too scared to continue.
And the hubby is doing good. We are halfway through Chemo and radiation. He is feeling really good. He has a sore bum. BUT, his spirits are good. And my knitting has helped me through a lot of this. Glad I have it.
Happy knitting! Peace out my peeps....till next time