I cannot remember a winter storm like this one. It just seems to be going on forever! It is so pretty. It has been a week since we were hit and people are still without electric! We lost our electric for three days. Oh how fun! We went from, my friends to my sisters and finally to my mom and dads. This really makes you see, how important some things are! We put all our frozen food outside, took what we could to the various homes where we were staying. Our biggest challenge was our daughters 15 year old frog and 2 large fish. We wrapped the tank in a sleeping bag, but when came home for clean clothes, and to check, the fish were swimming slowly and the tank had dropped in temperature by 20 degrees. Thankfully, we were able to transport
all three to my sisters and all survived! They are home and looking good.
I am not really in any Ravelry Olympic knitting contests. I'm too nervous for that. And I am not able to knit anytime I want....SOOO, I decided to do my own. I did take the pattern from knitty's challenge. I love it! Found the perfect orange yesterday, at Yarns Unlimited. I thought I would be knitting all day today, but, hubby had other plans. The oil needed changed. And the only Olympic games I would be able to see, was this magazine cover. The shop TV only had one station (lol) and it wasn't NBC!

But the good news, I am home, the electric is on. The House is nice and warm. The Olympics are
on. The hubby is doing GREAT with his chemo and radiation! AND I am knitting!
So enjoy your own knittinglympics. Knit alot and love what you are knitting.
Stay warm.
Oh yeah, we are looking at 6 more inches of snow tonight! Ah, whoever is praying for snow.....STOP praying!!!