The Daylily by Nashua was finished last week. Love the look. Not so crazy about the feel of the yarn. It was an easy knit and worked up quickly.
The shrug on the right was a beach purchase. And it was a UFO that has been resting in my sewing room for two years! Come on, it was on size 17 needles!!! I could have finished that in a evening!!! But I was at one of America's most beautiful places, Outer Banks, and who wants to knit? Check that off as DONE!!! I like it. I will get a plan pink or orange long sleeve tee to wear under it. The yarn was YUMMY!!! The pattern came from and written by a wonderful shop owner down in NC. Love, Love the shop. If you are there go here!
This little lovely is on its way to being done in a few hours. I figure I will get it done up at camp in two weeks. A simple vest that the daughter picked out awhile ago. Very simple. Fun yarn. Perfect for the 21 year old college student. She has been on my case about, not making her anything in awhile!!! Excuse me. Go back a few post and see all the knitting I did for you girl!!!!!!! It does make me feel good that she wants me to knit for her!!
And, not that I am, NOT, knitting for her now, I AM!!! Picked up the new edition of "Knit Simple" and we both fell in love with the hooded pullover. While waiting on the PET scan
to be over, I sat in the waiting room and knitted much further than the picture. I am at the sleeves. It is a fun sweater that you knit top down. I like that.
I love the yarn I chose. Daughter wanted a grey. And she loves this shade. I hope make a matching hat and mittens with some of the same color I bought last fall.
Writing is so much easier this morning. Sleep came so much faster last night and the sun came up so much brighter today. Life, has some deep valleys. But the coming up and out of the valley makes everything so much more..........MORE.
Thank you GOD for prayers answered and for the blessings ahead. Thank you for making my husband one of your miracles.