I am, or I have many

WIP and don't feel like showing the half done projects. So I decided to take
a trip down memory lane.... You in? Come on...... it will be fun.....
This was a quick knit, soft cotton dress with little panties in the same cotton I made for her during the spring. She was about three months old in this picture. It was a pattern that I could still make today. It is timeless. Also the christening gown could be made today just as it was twenty years ago

This little cardi was made
when the fun fur yarns
were brand new to the knitting world. The pattern came from one of my knitting magazines and I think it took one weekend to make.
Man, I was good!!!! Knittin Fool

O, I made her outfit underneath the sweater. Hey I was a stay at home mom with one kid!!!
First birthday outfit! Tooo cute!!! It had little pieces of polka dot fabric sewn into the yarn. I remember it being soooo expensive, $8.00 a
skein! And I was happy I only needed, I think three!!! I made her pants out of the same polka dot fabric. It was adorable! I even made her the barrette in her hair

And this extremely cute, and I cannot find anywhere now, was made in the car on the way to a picnic four hours away. I had it completely done and on her the next day. Well not completely, I lied. I had to go and buy a zipper. It was from, the now out of production, Disney pattern book. And was a breeze to make. I wonder if I can still knit that fast? Little kids are really easy to knit for. Their size alone, makes knitting fast and fun.
I have many more old time projects, but these were crying out to me....Remember when!!! Wish I could go back to that simpler time. Things were so much easier, so much I would hold on to a little longer. Hug her a little bit more, kiss her goodnight a few times more. Not worry so much about how clean my house is. O but I digress......
I am getting my summer projects together, and one is getting all my pictures in albums. Thus the trip back through memory lane. These pictures are not in albums yet and were easy to scan. A lot of their sweaters I made are in books and tucked away. I made my son some really cute sweaters. Bright colors and dump trucks to snakes! It was fun times... But now all are tucked away, waiting on the next generation to wear them.
Have a great day, hold on to those you love, give them an extra hug and let them know you love them very much.
As it is said and so true......Time waits for no one......