We had a great time. Well, if you forget about the huge spiders and bats that flew across one end of our rustic cabin to the other, every night!
Oh yea, and then there was Rodney, the enormous Raccoon that ate all our Marshmallows!!
You are probably thinking, why on earth do I go....... Easy.... "Spin a Yarn" in Brookville and "Heirloom quilts and Fabrics" Two of my favorite places on earth!
Spin a Yarn is the cutest little yarn shop. Susie and I have been distant friends for more than 20 years! I love her warm and welcoming personality. The shop doesn't have a ton of yarn, like around Pittsburgh, BUT you can always
find a project that you have to make!
I found some great baby yarn to make a sweater for a little boy that will be born in the fall.
And then there's the Quilt shop. OMG!!! If you love flannels, she has them all. If you love vintage, tons! And then there is everything in between. Durfee, yes that's how you spell it, Has thousands of bolts of fabric. Her Christmas/Fall room is to die for! I picked up some blue Christmas fabric. Something hard to find. Going to make a tree skirt.
I didn't do a ton of knitting, like I normally do. I think it was because went with friends, and I had fun with them instead.
I usually get left behind, while the hubby and kids fish. Not this year, I had a buddy to run with.
I did teach my friend to knit. Thats her in the picture below,working on her first project, A garter stitch scarf.
Her daughter is next to her. She of course picked up how to knit in seconds and put it down just as fast. NOT FAIR. Poor mom, struggled for hours, till it all clicked! No pun intended!
I did work on my daughters teeny tiny bikini. I do hope to get that done before we leave for Nags Head. 2 weeks from now.
I will try to get a pic of the teeny tiny suit, soon.
I will finish with a few pictures of the beautiful Horseback ride we took a day before we left. Perfect weather, perfect ride. If you don't believe in God, you will after a ride like that. The beauty is beyond words. The serenity is priceless!
Peace out! Knit on my peeps!