I have a friend at school. She is wonderful. Kind, generous and always giving positive uplifting comments. She is dying. Pancreatic cancer. Boom, just like that.
A few weeks ago a precious little fifth grader pops in my room. huge smile. Tells me he misses my class, gives me a hug and looks me dead in the eye and shares the most frightening thing he could ever imagine. His mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.
What do we knitters do with this pain. We knit. We knit prayer Shaw's and chemo caps. With each stitch we pray. Pray for comfort. For a cure, for hope, for strength. Then we finish it, wrap it, and pray, that it gives them all of those things and more.

And then it happens. the darkness lifts. Another friend tells you, after many tries and a miscarriage, she is pregnant. She is glowing, her happiness radiates and captures you. You begin to feel good. Even great. Thankful, she got her wish. She is past the 3 months of worry and looking and feeling better than she ever has. And as a knitter, how do you share in her happiness. You knit! You knit little tiny things. brightly colored things. Things that make you feel GOOD!
SO my invisible friends, what I mean about the Bi polar part is the two extremes in my life at the moment. Each at the extreme end of our emotions. And how do you deal with all of it.
OK, You got it. You knit. And each project is so different, so..........bi polar.

My prized afghan that I won is upstairs waiting for me. I work a few rows before I put my very tired body to rest. It is very beautiful. I would post a pic, but I am too lazy to go upstairs and get it. I may just take the camera and laptop to bed with me and grab a pic and post it. You will see. But for now, I NEED TO KNIT!

I did it. I am not as tired as I thought.
Here are the 30 plus rows that are done.
The colors are totally opposite of me. I am a blue person. But the daughter said I needed to step out of the box, and go opposite of my safe zone. I am enjoying the color change.
1 comment:
I read "The Circle of Life" with tears in my eyes. I live everything you describe so well. What a privilege it is to be able to pray and do small services for those around us. Blessings, Pamela
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