Saturday, September 6, 2008

Too much time has passed since last I blogged.  I miss you!  Life seems to go into overdrive as soon as the first day of school starts.  The year has started off on a very positive note. The students are great, and the days are going fast!
I crossed stitched the little quote over the summer and it is hanging in my classroom. My kids like the saying, some even read it out loud and laugh.(in a good way!) Some have even changed it to tinkle instead of twinkle. Won't go there, remember its middle school.

I have to grab the camera and get some shots of my projects.
 I am almost, if I would just pick it up, done with the shrug I bought in NC. 
I found the perfect pattern for my daughters Malabringo yarn! On ravelry. 
It is so much fun. If you like something different and unique. Norah Gaughan gives a new twist to knitting(no pun intended) Her book was a little pricey, but the patterns are really beautiful! Take a look, you won't be disappointed.

I also want to pick up and continue to knit, and finish my prized afghan! I have a few rows started, but the weather and my husband's illness got in the way. 

Time to start finishing some UFO's! Sounds like an oxymoron.

Well, its early Saturday morning and many projects are calling me, I can hear them. They are saying: My toilet needs cleaned, the wash isn't going to clean its self, who can iron this. And behind all that is quietly calling, This quilt needs done for the baby shower in two weeks, my shrug will keep you warm at school, your daughter is patiently waiting for her sweater, and on and on and on. 

Knit night at my house starts again on tuesday! Can't wait! Miss my knittin peeps! 

Peace out, on this lovely Saturday morning. Keep your needles clicking and the yarn companies spinning.  Visit your LYS and give the owner a hug, for helping you feed your addiction. 

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