Monday, January 26, 2009

Its the little things/updated

For some reason, I have the need to make little quick things.  Mittens, hats and such.  Went  to Knitty, and found a few patterns that I had to make and DID!  The fingerless gloves called Fetching, knitted up over the weekend. I have enough yarn left over for??? maybe a neck warmer from the book "One Skein"?

The next thing that I HAD to make also from Knitty,  Calorimetry
The pattern took, Cops and some of 48 hours, to make. Yes its that quick!  I didn't like my yarn choice at all. Noro. NO NO. Use a more elastic wool. Something with good strong memory it. 
The daughter felt it was too loose. After putting it on myself, I agreed. 
I am going to make it again in another yarn.  I may try the Malbrigo that  I have left from her sweater. 

And now I am working on a really cute pair of 
mittens I found on Ravelry.
 I have the first one started. I just finished the first skull. They are fast and fun. Would not recommend for the beginner. 
So, as I sit here, with the weather 
report calling for yet another winter
storm, I am hopeful, that we will have another SNOW DAY!!! Yippee!!! I love this time of year.  If we are off, I am getting the mitten done!  

Oh yea, that Valentine's day gift. I better get that finished too! Hubby had on his socks yet again today! I guess I should make them.   

Take a good look at my mittens and the picture. Notice anything? Yea, the dyslectic knitter strikes again. My excuse? They are for my daughter so I am making them more feminine by switching the color scheme to white and black skulls. You think it will fly? LOL, who cares!

And finally, I just love this picture of little 
Gilbert. Out in the snow, just thinking about how cold it is.
Keep knitting! Peace out!

In case you are re reading this....WE did get a snow day!!! How fun is that! 


Heather said...

I am feeling the little project love, too! Winter is so long, maybe we just need a few projects that are not? The big psych-out?

I think tomorrow might be a snow day, too...

Jean in Georgia said...

Wow. Snow. I know you're sick of it, but I'd love to see some down here in Georgia!! :)