Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Laundry is DONE!!!

What a wonderful feeling! 10 tons of laundry done! No one is allowed to take their clothes off!  My sheets are changed too! Hey, are you one of those freaks who irons their sheets? PLLLLEASSSSSE! 
Good, I knew you were normal. I'm lucky they are completely dry, because I don't remember to put them in the dryer, till I go upstairs and get my jammies on!!
Oh yeah, the quilt is in the dryer. Better check it soon...

The baby sweater is complete. I am going to block it.
It is tight. It's the yarn. I 
have a tiny little bit of the main color left, and a ton of
 the other two.  Going to make the
 cute hat that goes with the pattern. That should take an evening. If there is anything left after that, booties.

This I can't wait to start! I have a goal. Maybe I better not, don't want to disappoint myself.  The pattern, can be bought on Ravelry. Or you can just go here. The picture does not do this cardigan justice. The shop owner's, makes you want to knit this! Oh, who might that be? Michele from Bloomin Yarns!  Her version is beautiful! So much so, I had to get it and make it. 
Also, Bloomin, is doing a shawl KAL. It starts on the 19th. I can't wait! Something new to do as we await spring and its warmth!

This is the yarn I chose for my shawl.  The shawl is from Interweave. 
It is also on Bloomin's blog. I have been in love with this yarn since it hit the shop last year. But never knew what I wanted to knit with it. Well, this shawl is it! 
My friend bought the same yarn in a yummy green. Her fav color. It will be very pretty.

Well, with all that said....I have much knitting to do!

And finally, my one friend showed up at knit nite with a package for me. I was so excited! It was this beautiful angel, with the beautiful charms about life and family on it! I love it! Thanks Chrystal!

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