Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blessing abound!

This little ornament is from our first Christmas together. 1986. 
WOW. When i was younger and heard people say they were married 20 plus years, I thought, That's a really long time!
It seems  like a blink of the eye, now. I have hard time wrapping my brain around it.  
 This holiday season is full of blessings. The hubby is Clean of cancer!!!!!! 
Thanksgiving was so much better!!!
We have spent the weekend putting up our tree and decorating together. It has been so nice. 

I am not planning on making any special Christmas gifts. I am working on hats and scarves for all the special people in my life. I gave my sister in law her hat and scarf set on Thanksgiving. She loved it! I also gave my dad his Beer Socks. Another hit. 
This hat will find its owner I'm sure.
I liked making it. Not so sure I like the colors. It was one of those balls of yarn,that looks better before you knit.
The yarn is called "Mushushi" from Plymouth. Very soft.
So I am off to finish another hat. Its the One day Beret. I'm half way through it. I acquired the yarn from a dear friend who can no longer knit. This beret will be for someone special.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Welcome Fall

Wow Its been a while. Looking back at my last post, I realize I have finished all the projects on the coffee table! Thats a great feeling. 
This cute little sweater caught my eye as I sat at the yarn shop with my good friend knitting a saturday afternoon away. It took all of 3 hours maybe.
Gilbert loves his sporty bright sweater.
I went to put him out last night and he wouldn't go till the sweater was on! Cute little guy!

My husband I celebrated 25 years together last month. Wow, I don't feel that old.  Anyway. We took a day trip to a very small town called Smicksburgh! They had a YARN SHOP!!!! And it was the cutest little shop, tucked away on the side of a mountain on a side street in a tiny little town. Very cute and very charming. SuzyB's had hand dyed and several kits. This one, was one I could not pass up! The scarf necklace, takes less than an hour and the compliments I have received, made it worth the little too high of a price I paid.  I have made four more in various other colors to match several sweaters I have. My 22 year old also had me make one to match her school she were she is currently student teaching.

The hubby went for his 6month check up and scan. I feel very strongly that all is good. He is back to his old weight plus! And his color has not looked this good in over 4 years. I feel blessed we have come through all this and everything is good. Praise GOD! 

Its back to knitting I go. Lots to knit. Christmas is coming.  We had a touch of snow today, just to remind me, I think. 
 I need to complete several scarves and hats and mittens for several people who where there through all the bad last year. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting ready

Road trip yarn
In 2 weeks from today, I will be on the road. Headed for sunnier skies.  I have decided on some yarn.  They are for the most part  scarves for friends.  Gotta spend some time looking on Ravelry for just the right pattern to make for each yarn.  

The socks totally rock!!! Fell in love love love with them. Went straight to my LYS to buy the yarn. The pattern came from Knitty. And I love them!!! The yarn I chose is in the picture above. It has a shimmer yarn running through it. Can't wait to wear them.

Another finished UFO. The vest was a KAL from 2009.  It was right at the time my husband was diagnosed with his cancer.  As an experienced knitter, I found the pattern confusing and put it away. I found it last week, and sat down to read the pattern again. I thought I would be totally unable to do it with out help from my LYS.  Well, as soon as I started, it seemed like I was halfway through it and then ready to bind off!!! What a difference a year and a healthy husband make!!! I enjoyed the yarn and the pattern is a quick knit. A few of the things the designer does, seems, not necessary. I feel she made it harder than it needed to be, for such a simple pattern. The good thing, One more UFO off the list! 

This scarf, is for my favorite oncology nurse. He wanted something " Loud and Proud". He's getting it. And it has love knitted in every stitch. The pattern is an "Ann Norling" pattern. Super fast and fun.  I may use it for another scarf. The noro yarn offered great colors and is very bright. The softness makes it a perfect scarf.

 Finally, what beach vacation does not include books!!! Both books are great reads!! I have started both at various times, during hospital times. But they were put down. Also my comprehension of either at that time is slim to none. So, I look forward to finishing them. 
So, its time now to go and purchase shoes worthy of Disney. I mean, that won't make my feet hurt!  
Enjoy your lazy Saturday afternoon. Knit a little, read a little, but most of all smile a little!!! Peace out my knittin peeps!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Hooked

As summer sneaks in, I find all I am thinking about is lace. I love it...
I finished my Ishbel in just a few days. Well, there was a break in between, due to a mistake, But amount of actual knitting time was quick.
The yarn is Bonnie's Bamboo. Wonderful drape.  I love it! Oh, sorry I said that already.

This summer, unlike last is full of hope and healing. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. God is good, Stage 0 and only and lumpectomy and radiation will be needed. Amen. The genetic test also proved that it is NOT genetic. 

Summer Flies,  Is a free pattern. Really quick, no chart. I had this beautiful yarn I purchased, probably 3 years ago. It was for a class. The yarn was and still is, outrageously  expensive. Art Yarn's Beaded silk. Those of you with champagne taste and beer money know of this yarn. I didnt have the cash flow, to purchase the amount needed to make the wrap that was to be taught in class. SO I bought enough to make the cheesey small wrap, that I WOULD NEVER WEAR. Thus the yarn slept for three years.  
I think this shawl wrap will be beautiful this winter with a plain black sweater. It will show off the beautiful over priced yarn.

       We head to Florida in a few weeks, its our "Celebration Vacation". I am going to try to make all the people who gave their time to cook, call, spend time with us during our darkest hours, a scarf. I am hoping to get at least 8 done. I will keep a journal and post as we go. We are driving, so lots of knitting time!!!  
I am off to find scarf patterns. Don't want to bore myself with the same pattern. Have a wonderful day! Happy knitting!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Finished! And more to come!!!

Gilbert with springtime bandit
Yes!  My,finished shawl!  It  came out so pretty! I love it! And I have conquered my fears about reading lace charts! I love this and cant wait, well I can wait, (it needs to be cold again) to wear it.   
  Yet another UFO, FINISHED!!! 
I got this pattern, at least, 10 maybe 15 years ago. Fell in love with the vintage pattern and thought, socks for my DAD. The socks went to sleep and resurfaced a month ago. I had 1 sock completed and the ribbing and  green line on the mug on my needles. WHAT! Really, you couldn't just finish them! I know, right. But they are now done and hopefully my Dad will like,love them.

My KAL. It's the Day Break shawl, by Stephen West.  My daughter saw the pattern and fell in love with it. I guess making mine will have to wait. This is hers. Its so easy. Except for the increases. My numbers don't add up when he tells you to increase. I had to add stitches to make it work in some parts, and so did my friend. 

Finally, my FYS, had a huge sale. And did I take advantage of the sale??? Does a drunk stop drinking? A drug addict pass up a free fix? NOOOOOOO, nor did this YARNAHOLIC pass up a huge sale!!!! I love, love,love, did I say, Love my yarn purchases..... To the left are few of my purchases. My dealer, makes sure I can't stop by running the sale for a WHOLE week!!! SO, I came in Monday only to get a quick fix and think about all that was there, waiting for me. I bought my CANCER FREE husband pure 100% cashmere yarn for socks. And I got that yarn for 40 % off. I love it. Never felt something so yummy soft. He deserves it. 
So, while the dog is snoozing next to me and the hubby, who is CANCER FREE watches the Pens win the playoff, I am going to KNIT!!!! Happy Knitting

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Getting things finished!

Moving through and out of winter has been wonderful! Tonight we have the biggest, fullest moon I have ever seen! Its been 20 years to be exact.

Went to Bloomin  Yarns a couple of Sunday's ago to meet and take a class with 2 very talented young ladies.
Vintage Modern Knits, by Courtney Kelley and Kate Osborn 

Made not 1 but 2 of these lovely hats. Very pretty and very fun!

I also have learned to read a LACE pattern!!! I started this lovely, Springtime Bandit
 and I cannot STOP!
I did make a huge mistake and had to tink a whole bunch!!! Not a good idea to make a mistake in lacework.

AND how pretty is this "Yarn Bowl" I love it!!!  Picked that up today as a little treat to myself.

Life has been good. Things are so normal. I love it. I hope and pray it stays that way!
Happy knitting

Friday, February 25, 2011

Knitting MoJo

Well, the worry and unknown are over. And it seems that my knitting Mojo has returned full force. I can't stop! Its great. I am finishing projects that were UFOs for more than a year. They knitted so quickly! The mittens were not a favorite color combination for me. That's probably one of the reasons they were sent to zzzz. All the information can be found here. I knitted the one left on a hockey trip and the next day on my break. Wow that was easy!!! So I moved on....
 The pretty orange was next on the list. And it was super fast. Done over a weekend. It's spec's can be found here. I'm not sure I like the way it looks on. Rather wide in the shoulders and under the arms. We will see how it looks on with a nice top and makeup. I was in my jammies when I put it on.  And finally. This really cute vest was so easy to make, I wondered, why did I ever put it down! The information about this pretty little thing are found here. I finished this in a matter of hours. I love it! The colors are wonderful! Hoping the yarn shop has it on sale in another color, so I can make a cardi I saw in the pattern book.
So I am furiously knitting away on a cute little intarsia hat. Pictures soon! And I getting ready to start another big project. One that was put aside, while I helped heal my husband. 
Well, the needles are getting cold, and I got my Mojo going on! Keep the faith. God is good. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today may be the "Super Bowl" and Pittsburgh may be in it, BUT, today is THANKSGIVING in my home!
The oncologist gave us the news 2 weeks ago that Joe was and is Cancer FREE!!! 
In November, he was on a Pic line aka feeding tube. He watched all 25 of us eat Thanksgiving. It broke both my mom and my hearts. So when the news came back as wonderful as it did, we were thankful. Thus the dinner! 
It was even better than November and Joe ate everything!
Miracles can happen, just believe.
Knitting has been Wonderful!!! My nephew asked for and got this fun hat. He loves Japanese art and culture. I got the rising sun graph on Ravelry
And this little guy, picked his own yarn and pattern. He loved his new sweater he got today. He knew all the colors and proudly let everyone know each color.  He also told everyone, my Aunt Debi (no more Daubie : (  made this.  

It's so wonderful to have your life back. Have your husband back and returning to work tomorrow. After a year that I don't ever want to re live, EVER!!! I thank God every day for the blessings he has given us. Never ever stop believing.