Cleaned two bathrooms. Moved onto my bedroom, finished up the laundry, and headed downstairs to have breakfast. That lead to the kitchen and living room. After that, I thought, you need a break. A big one!
SO, I Grabed the car keys and headed to one of my fav LYS, "Bloomin Yarns", an bought some yummy cottons to start some spring sweaters!
Michelle is always so sweet and helpful. And 9 times out of ten, she always has the exact yarn you want!!! Thats good and bad! I bought yarn for three sweaters!
After that, it was time to put the yarn somewhere so I start it. I looked at my knitting basket................As you can tell from the first picture, the cleaning bug bit again. I dumped it. I know CRAZY!!! I am taking away from knitting time!
I found, LOTS of labels, lots of markers, notes, phone numbers, bills, and a button from a sweater I knit almost 15 years ago. thats it in the picture below. I made a white with blue accent, cotton cardigan. Everything was bought on vacation at the Outer Banks.
I think at that point I decided a glass of wine would help me tackle this project. It did. I was able to get ALL my needles put in order and labled if double or circluar. Put away yarn that was left over. Threw away all those lables. Put the bills where they belonged, and traded out winter projects for new spring projects!
Looks pretty good! And I am sober! It is a clean feeling. Like, gee I wish someone would come over unexpectedly, cause this place looks and smells really good!
Now, with all this cleaning out of the way, for at least a day! I can sit back, pick up my needles and feel good about, not only the yarn going through my fingers, but the clean orginized surroundings. AHHHH, the fun!
Stay warm and KNIT!
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