I LOVE fall!!! I have made a full recovery.
Feel much better. Thanks Michelle for your post! Now I know one person reads my blog.
The pic on the right is my fire place topper.. Paper pieced. Not fun! To many little pieces.
During my little kidney attack, I did not knit at all. I also fell a week behind at work, and the kids were very mad at me. Teachers are not allowed to get sick, grow old or miss more than a day of work!. So I have had little knitting time. YUCK!
I am getting the sleeves done on the melabrigo. It is turning out cuter(I know not a word) than expected. The skull buttons are as cute as can be. Funny thing, I went all the way to North Carolina and found the extra buttons.............Guess what I can't find. DEET DA DEET!!! Rolling eyes and sighing. I know I have them somewhere!
I am hoping to have the sleeves done today! I am going to look for the buttons at the bottom of my knitting bag. I have a feeling that is where they may
Knit night was good. Jody brought in her show and tell and I should have taken pictures. She made the throw, I won, in cream. OMG!!! It was the prettiest thing I have ever seen!!! It made me want to run upstairs and grab mine and FINISH IT!! It is next on the list of must finish!
I am so excited, I ordered GLOW IN THE DARK yarn.
Yes it does! Making hats and hopefully some sweaters for the nephews, FOR NEXT YEAR , of course.
And for those of you who are big time readers... The perfect Christmas gift is here. Get while you can.....The Kindle.
It was featured on Oprah and I fell for it immediately! She is giving a $50. off for 5 more days. Just go to her site for info.
Well, my knittin peeps, the sunday morning blues is playin its same old tune. Clothes are cryin they are dirty and floors need swept. So I leave you in cyber world, with thoughts of everything in its place and nothing to do, except..................KNIT!
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