Friday, December 26, 2008

When you know you got it right!

How do you know you got exactly what they wanted!  How.......Just look at the smiles on their faces!

It says it all.

Mom  is still trying to figure out how I made her gloves.   How ... easy I tell her.  And it was. Got the pattern out of the book "The knitter's bible"
She called this morning and told me how much she loved her gifts. Job well done. Yippee to me!

Oldest daughter LOVED her mini laptop! She thinks its the cutest thing she has ever seen.
I got this great shot right after she figured out what it was. It was priceless!

And then young son.... Surround sound.
He was so surprised.  Both were extremely excited and happy!

I hope you had the same great feelings. That you found everything you wanted under your tree. 
Hope there were blessing on top of blessings.

                                                                                                                          Christmas goes so fast. We prepare and buy and make and in an instant, its over. But the pictures and the feelings, they last a lifetime!

This is hubby's scarf. The noro one that everyone is making. It was a really fun scarf. I gave it to him just like the picture, but finished it up Christmas morning and he was able to wear it to my mom's.  Along with his first pair of handmade socks. Which he said were the best pair of socks he has ever worn. He is a hand knit sock virgin. And has become addicted. Asking if there might be more in his future.  
So with that said, I picked up my, 2 at time socks.
And as soon as I finish here I am going to try that method.  I will keep you posted! 
Keep warm and keep knitting! The fun months are just ahead!!! 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Its all knitting togther

  Finally. I love it! It was so much fun to do. And she looks so cute in it!  She told me it was her favorite sweater! Go mom, yea go mom, YEA! 

Now that the melabrigo is complete I am finishing up small no nonsense projects. Like???

My moms scarf was crying out for gloves! So one is done the left hand are on the needles tonight. It took me two evenings to finish one glove. Yea its that quick.

I also have hubby's scarf 3/4 of the way finished. 
Will post that picture soon. He is sitting next to me watching the game(STEELERS) or I would be working on it now!

This is moms scarf and one glove. I only put the bling on the cuff of the glove. I thought it might 
get uncomfortable if the sequin were running through her fingers. I like the way it came out. 
I ordered the yarn from a shop in Maine, It was not the same dye lot. It is noticeable, but what can I do! 
I should get her other one started, but this is more fun right now! 
Ok, I know, get something done!!! YOU TOO! 
Get that project out right now and start clicking those needles!  GO ahead! You will be glad you did.
Peace out! Keep knitting

Sunday, December 7, 2008

St. Nick

When I met my husband, Many moons ago, I was touched  by a tradition done at his home. Every Dec 6th, to honor St. Nicholas, they would put their shoes out by the tree and the next day, a small gift would be left. This let the kids know they were being good and there was a good chance that Santa would visit soon. If they were not so good, an onion may be in their shoe. My husband has had his share of onions.  The onion meant, get with the program and shape up or else! 
We continue this fun tradition. The shoes used to be so tiny, now.... well.... time waits for no one. 

Ah, you may notice the space heater. Yea its cold here in the Burgh. REAL cold. And the best part. Our heat pumps went. We are running on one, that is on its last leg. 
SO, tomorrow we get the fun job of buying new ones!!! WHY is it this always happens before the holidays,  Yippee..........

I got my "Purse Exchange" that I participated in on Ravelry. WHAT FUN!!!! And my NEW friend Jean, put the best bag together ever! I loved it all. I mean all of it!! 
She sent me a Frank Sinatra CD. My folks picked me up to go to the new, Garden Ridge(Total waste of time) and dad played it all the way there and back! It was great!

Finished my Daughter's malabrigo sweater yesterday, waiting for her to put it on for a pic.
Working on the Noro stripe scarf for hubby. I haven't made him a scarf since we dated, about 24 years ago! It is fun trying to knit without him seeing it! 

 I also decided to make my mom gloves to match her scarf. I had to order more yarn. No one around here carries it! Blah!  

Oh yea, I bought one of the shelves from the yarn shop that went out of business and spent saturday putting it together and gathering up all my,(ADDICTION) yarn and lovingly placing it on the new shelves. Very nice. I now have a yarn shop in my house! I am hoping this curbs my need to run to Bloomin and drop toooo much money on some more yarn!!!
 NAH, what am I thinking. Michelle may forget me!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's one more done!

AHHHHHHHH, The feeling of finishing something. And finishing weeks before it is needed! Yippee, jumping up and down, doing happy dance.
Mom's gifts are complete. All that is needed is the wrapping. Thank goodness she doesn't read my blog.
The scarf is really pretty. The photo does not do it justice. No matter how many pictures I took, I could not get the flash refection off the clock. The cross stitch is so cute. I am really happy with the way it came out. 
Well, its back to work tomorrow! Man, time flies.... Thanksgiving is a blurr
What's on my needles you ask? I am almost finished with daughter's melbrigo sweater. I have about 4 more inches of a 10 inch neck. BORING!
I want to finish my dad's socks. They have a glass of beer on them. Really cute!  Its a pattern from I think the 40's. Really fun, I have one done. I will have to post a pic.
I want to start a vest that I picked up from Bloomin yarns. It should be fast and fun. Its a Kaffe Fassett. Michelle did one and I loved it. She has the book and yarn it calls for. I really want to get that going. Her sweater is here!
I also have the grey vest on the inside of Debbie Bliss' new magazine I want to do. It is cables and a turtle neck. 
So that's all for now. O wait, there's also another green helmet liner almost finished! Yippee. 
Peace out, keep your needles clicking

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

AWWW Thanksgiving. Giving thanks. Thanks for a gallbladder surgery that went smoothly. Thanks for a healthy husband with no cancer. Thanks for new babies born and friends who are still with us.
Thanks for new friends made and for family!

Hope your Thanksgiving was a blessed one. 
Oh yea, the picture is of Nephew who needed warmth while hunting deer on Monday. Made him a helmet liner pattern. Made from Melabrigo. Olive green. His color choice. Made not one but three. Yea, I got a lot of my own knitting done this week.  He asked me for this last sunday. Sweetie. Can't help it, when one of the nephews ask.... I gotta do it. And it is usually on short notice. Gotta love them!!!!
I am hoping to log on and get all Christmas shopping done via internet. I am not a big crowd shopper.  I hate crowds. They totally freak me out. No thanks. No lines, No getting up early. No NO NO! If I can't get it later I don't need it. 

Hope you had A great day. Blessing to all!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Closer to the end....

I am so excited! This picture does not do this
 sweater justice. It is almost done. The hubby is untangling the last skein as I type.  For some unknown reason the last skein is a disaster!  And he loves to untangle stuff. Lucky me.
The green really shows up on the picture.  The buttons are the best. I still need two more. If you know anyone
who has them, please let me know so I can get them!!!!  I plan on 
getting the ten inch neck done by this weekend. Ok maybe wendesday.  
I had a Big party for hubby's big 50 today, and tomor
row is our nephews birthday. SOOOO, time will not be my own....
I can take the knitting with me... But Hubby is still unwinding!  

I did pick up this beautiful yarn at the shop going out of business. It is Cherry Tree Hill, and it is Possum!! And a merino wool. Pretty cool. 
The other is a nice yarn that has little sequins on it. Its for my mom for Christmas. 

I am making her a scarf to go with her new purse. Her very first Coach. And it is red. She wants to carry her red purse When she wears her Black leather coat.
I found the yarn, and thought it was a perfect compliment to the purse and coat. And my mom has recently taken a liking to BLING, the tiny sequins play off the yarn nicely, giving her BLING

Once again the picture on the left is not 
doing the pattern justice. 
It is difficult to get a picture of a scarf. I will have her put it on at Christmas and then take a better pict
ure.   I have about 3/4 of the scarf complete. It's and easy 4 row repeat. It lends itself to tak
ing places and being able to carry on a conversation and work on a project. I like it.  The yarn does halo but it knits through with ease and is very pretty. I like it.

It is almost my bedtime. I am exhausted. I cooked and cooked and, well you know. Lots of really good food and family close by. A nice birthday for the hubby. My  Family suprised him with a HUGE snowblower.   I didn't know they made them that big!  We have a huge driveway, and he is old now, so it should come in handy! Lets hope it snows lots this winter. 
                                                          Good night my knittin peeps. Peace out and keep knitting.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is a picture my 14 year old son took outside the cabin, he and the hubby went to a few weeks ago. CRAZY! Not this girl. Thank you very much. Best part, it is the mommy bear. The cubs came for a visit too!

I haven't been able to find my camera, so I don't have my WIP pictures to show.  I am on the neck of daughters sweater. I have to knit a 10 inch neck! Boring. I did some frogging on young sons socks. It was way to wide! He has a very narrow flat foot. He would never be able to wear it.  BOO HOO!
I think I mentioned about the yarn shop closing in cannonsburgh. Went on saturday. I saved $397.00!!!! I left with two white garbage bags full of future projects.
I spent.........$103.00!!! All the patterns were a $1.00 and the yarn was $1.00 or 70% off.

Bloomin is Movin!!!! Just down the road. Closer to me!!! I like that. I can't wait to see the new shop. I love it there! Michelle is so sweet. I look forward to seeing all the new yarns and how the shop looks!

I will write more later. Its late , I need to pack lunches and make coffee. Bed is calling me......
Peace out, knit on!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is my FAVORITE time of the year! 
I LOVE fall!!!    I have made a full recovery.
Feel much better. Thanks Michelle for your post! Now I know one person reads my blog. 
The pic on the right is my fire place topper.. Paper pieced. Not fun! To many little pieces.

During my little kidney attack, I did not knit at all. I also fell a week behind at work, and the kids were very mad at me.  Teachers are not allowed to get sick, grow old or miss more than a day of work!. So I have had little knitting time. YUCK! 

I am getting the sleeves done on the melabrigo. It is turning out cuter(I know not a word) than expected.  The skull buttons are as cute as can be.  Funny thing, I went all the way to North Carolina and found the extra buttons.............Guess what I can't find. DEET DA DEET!!! Rolling eyes and sighing.  I know I have them somewhere! 

I am hoping to have the sleeves done today! I am going to look for the buttons at the bottom of my knitting bag. I have a feeling that is where they may

Knit night was good. Jody brought in her show and tell and I should have taken pictures. She made the throw, I won, in cream. OMG!!! It was the prettiest thing I have ever seen!!! It made me want to run upstairs and grab mine and FINISH IT!! It is next on the list of must finish!

I am so excited, I ordered GLOW IN THE DARK yarn.
Yes it does! Making hats and hopefully some sweaters for the nephews, FOR NEXT YEAR , of course.
It can only be found Here ! A must have for all of you who like a little fun in your knitting.

And for those of you who are big time readers... The perfect Christmas gift  is here. Get while you can.....The Kindle.
It was featured on Oprah and I fell for it immediately! She is giving a $50. off for 5 more days. Just go to her site for info.

Well, my knittin peeps, the sunday morning blues is playin its same old tune. Clothes are cryin they are dirty and floors need swept. So I leave you in cyber world, with thoughts of everything in its place and nothing to do, except..................KNIT!

Monday, October 6, 2008

kidney stones!!

So, I write the post last night before I went to bed. I WAS FINE! At 2 o'clock in the morning I woke up with some pain, figured I had to go to the bathroom. Not so. The pain just kept getting worse and worse. I popped an ibuprofen and went back to bed. For about two minutes! By four in the morning I was doubled over in pain and throwing up. The pain in my left side was the worse pain ( including childbirth) I have ever had!
So off to the hospital again. I sat, stood, walked and waited with incredible pain for the doctor. Who promptly came in 2 hours later! Only to order the best drugs in the world!  Went for a CAT scan and xrays. And there it was a spiky, ugly mean 4mm stone! We came home and went to bed. I woke up and passed the lovely picture you see. Pure evil. Thank God its over! Hope NO one ever has to experience that!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

baby pumpkin hat

If you read my blog all the will remember my entry about my two friends. One who has pancreatic cancer and one who is expecting her first baby.  Well, the cancer friend is surviving.  The other is extremely uncomfortable and in labor. she may have already had the baby. Will find out tomorrow when I go to school.  
I decided to pop off this extremely cute pumpkin hat to her before she went on leave. But it was too late she didn't come in on thursday.  But, I do work with her husband as well, so he was taking it home with him. I found the free pattern on Ravelry. It was fast and really, really cute!!! All the teachers loved it! It practically fit in my hand. It was that small and cute! Did I say how CUTE it was? It was very cute.
Just kicking back, had young sons Confirmation party this afternoon, so I am a tad burned out. Had about 30 people. Tons of good food and lots of good conversation, all in all a great day!   know I am sitting with my feet up on my lazyboy, with needles and yarn next to me. I am ready to knit the evening away while my family watches the Steelers.
Have a great week and knit at least once a day!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Knitting and Fall just go together.  As said best by Forest Gump,"Like Peas and carrots". 
The air is cooling off and the nights are coming quicker.  And so my knitting is calling me. Come enjoy the warmth of my wool. And I of course fall helplessly into it.
The Malabrigo yarn is working up beautifully. The pattern is addictive. Each panel is a race. Can I finish before the end of two and half men? I am on the bottom ribbing. Skipping the sleeves till later, as I want to see the ribbing first!

Some sad news in Pittsburgh. The Knit Shoppe in Canonsburgh is closing.  The shop was one of the first to emerge when the knitting craze hit. The ladies are five of the nicest around. They will be missed.  My friend and I stopped by yesterday to see what was what. Everything, Everything was 50% off. I controlled my knitting ego and only purchased things I knew I have been wanting. The three books in the picture, and yarn. Not a lot, just some I have wanted to make a shrug with and the mittens on the cover of Vogue Knitting.  And a pair of Lantern moon needles. I was a good girl.

I am trying something different. Only working on one project at a time. I know, surely you jest! 
But, it seems to be a good thing. The Malabrgo is much further along than I ever imagined. I am only able to work on it after dinner, which leaves me about 2 solid hours or 4 off and on. It feels good to be focused. Kinda  my whole new approach to life. Order and organization.  I have applied it to my house, my work, my classroom, and now my knitting. It is hard to change old habits, and I get the erg to grab another project, or not put something back where it belongs, but in the end, the organization wins, and its all good in the hood!

And so my dear friends as Summer ends and Fall begins, I hope you will be blessed with limber fingers and long stretches of quiet time to knit all the wonderful things you have on your needles and all the things that are waiting in the wings.  Have a really great week. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Too much time has passed since last I blogged.  I miss you!  Life seems to go into overdrive as soon as the first day of school starts.  The year has started off on a very positive note. The students are great, and the days are going fast!
I crossed stitched the little quote over the summer and it is hanging in my classroom. My kids like the saying, some even read it out loud and laugh.(in a good way!) Some have even changed it to tinkle instead of twinkle. Won't go there, remember its middle school.

I have to grab the camera and get some shots of my projects.
 I am almost, if I would just pick it up, done with the shrug I bought in NC. 
I found the perfect pattern for my daughters Malabringo yarn! On ravelry. 
It is so much fun. If you like something different and unique. Norah Gaughan gives a new twist to knitting(no pun intended) Her book was a little pricey, but the patterns are really beautiful! Take a look, you won't be disappointed.

I also want to pick up and continue to knit, and finish my prized afghan! I have a few rows started, but the weather and my husband's illness got in the way. 

Time to start finishing some UFO's! Sounds like an oxymoron.

Well, its early Saturday morning and many projects are calling me, I can hear them. They are saying: My toilet needs cleaned, the wash isn't going to clean its self, who can iron this. And behind all that is quietly calling, This quilt needs done for the baby shower in two weeks, my shrug will keep you warm at school, your daughter is patiently waiting for her sweater, and on and on and on. 

Knit night at my house starts again on tuesday! Can't wait! Miss my knittin peeps! 

Peace out, on this lovely Saturday morning. Keep your needles clicking and the yarn companies spinning.  Visit your LYS and give the owner a hug, for helping you feed your addiction. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


  DESTINATION: Outer Banks, 
North Carolina
    Nags Head

OH the seafood! Yummy! What a 
Wonderful trip! I cannot believe I am back. We had weather to die for. Sunny, high 80's to mid 90's! Who could ask for anything more! OK a few yarn shops maybe? DONE!
Knitting Addiction is a yarn store to spend hours and $$$$ in! One warning, don't take hubby if he isn't into yarn, like you.
Knitting addiction's owner, Jeanne Shrade,  is present and really a nice lady. She has a great sense of humor. I don't know about you, but when I am vacationing and find a LYS, I want to find something unique to that area, that I won't find back home. 
Jeanne covers that with flying colors! She designs her own patterns and you get them free when you purchase the yarn. 
I picked up two. I loose fitting shrug and a pattern called "big people blankie" , which is a triangular heavy shawl, with a large button attached to the top left side.  I will post some pics.
The highlight of the visit, was.....She had buttons! Not just any buttons, BUT the skull buttons I have been looking for over two years for!!!!  I could have gone home right then! But I stayed the rest of the week. I mean, it was only Monday.

Outside the seafood restaurant, my daughter and nephew pose for a beautiful sunset picture.
Yes, nephew. We went with the entire extended family. 19 to be exact! And you ask, well how was that? Wonderful!!! My mom was 
In her glory. All her children, spouses, grandchildren within arms reach 24/7. What more can you ask for!!!!
We did so much in one week, that we all need another to recover. 
Climbed 2 lighthouses. Visited 3. Looked at one from afar.

I loved Cape Hatteras. Prettiest lighthouse on the outer banks! I used to love Currituck, but after climbing Hatteras, it was love at first climb.
The Aquarium is a treat. A must go to, if you are visiting.

Everything we went to, was worth it. 
The ferry ride, to Ocaracoke, was the best part of the trip. The island is......Boring.  The shops are scattered and the                                                            folks are, well, not so friendly. 
The lighthouse, was not open to the public. It was smaller than all the others. Not real impressed with it. No where to park and tons of people trying to see it. But, at least I can say  I was there.

I finish with a few fun shots. Family, pretending to be on the titantic, the lighthouse and the whole Fam on the beach!
Keep knitting

Friday, August 1, 2008

I guess she could go topless!

Finished the Isty, bitsy, teeny weeny, made my hands hurt bikini last night. Well, just the bottom.  So, I said to daughter, "We will have to find a nude beach".  To which she replied with disgust, "Oh mother, that's just gross!"  

I have till Sunday to finish the top. We will be sunning our buns Sunday afternoon in Nags Head.  We are driving. If I put my mind to it, it is a possibility.  The killer is, you have to cast on 300 stitches on a size one needle!!!! I did bump up the needle to a three.  The yarn is a variegated yarn that has elastic in it. So cool. You have to watch your tension, it can go from Light worsted to a finger weight, just by the way you hold it. 

The yarn came from "Knit One" and is called Cascade Fixation. The label says it has  62-186 yards on it, depending on how you use it. It took 1 ball to make the bottom. I have three left. Over estimated I guess.  So, you too, can make one, just give me your address and I will send you my two left over. I need one for the top.

Getting back to the trip...What to take....Last year I did nothing but socks. This year, I think the same. They take up minimal room and are great on trips, waiting in lines, sunning your self by 
 the pool or at the beach.  I am going to scout out some yarn shops. There was one, 16 years ago. Hopefully that number has grown.

I asked the animals how they felt about the family leaving? This is what I got......
They don't care, cause favorite boyfriend is house and pet sitting... Lucky animals.
Well my peeps.....There's knittin to do. 
Oh yea, I gotta pack.

Friday, July 25, 2008

You will be missed

Randy Paush Died this morning from pancreatic cancer.  His story touched my life. 
God Bless his wife and children and all those who loved him.
His book is a MUST read.

My favorite two quotes from Randy:
"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Long time since

Wow. It sure has been awhile since I posted.  Thought that my vacation would give me a few extra hours to blog more. Guess NOT!  Just got back from a week in the Pennsylvania mountains. Cook Forest to be exact.  The pic is of the beautiful mountain laurels. You can look, but cannot touch or take.
We had a great time. Well, if you forget about the huge spiders and bats that flew across one end of our rustic cabin to the other, every night!
Oh yea, and then there was Rodney, the enormous Raccoon that ate all our Marshmallows!! 

 You are probably thinking, why on earth do I go....... Easy.... "Spin a Yarn" in Brookville and "Heirloom quilts and Fabrics" Two of my favorite places on earth!

Spin a Yarn is the cutest little yarn shop. Susie and I have been distant friends for more than 20 years! I love her warm and welcoming personality.  The shop doesn't have a ton of yarn, like around Pittsburgh, BUT you can always
 find a project that you have to make! 
I found some great baby yarn to make a sweater for a little boy that will be born in the fall. 
And then there's the Quilt shop. OMG!!! If you love flannels, she has them all. If you love vintage, tons! And then there is everything in between. Durfee, yes that's how you spell it, Has thousands of bolts of fabric. Her Christmas/Fall room is to die for!  I picked up some blue Christmas fabric. Something hard to find. Going to make a tree skirt. 
I didn't do a ton of knitting, like I normally do.  I think it was because went with friends, and I had fun with them instead. 
I usually get left behind, while the hubby and kids fish. Not this year, I had a buddy to run with.  
I did teach my friend to knit. Thats her in the picture below,working on her first project, A garter stitch scarf. 
Her daughter is next to her. She of course picked up how to knit in seconds and put it down just as fast. NOT FAIR. Poor mom, struggled for hours, till it all clicked! No pun intended!
I did work on my daughters teeny tiny bikini. I do hope to get that done before we leave for Nags Head. 2 weeks from now.
I will try to get a pic of the teeny tiny suit, soon.

I will finish with a few pictures of the beautiful Horseback ride we took a day before we left. Perfect weather, perfect ride. If you don't believe in God, you will after a ride like that. The beauty is beyond words. The serenity is priceless!

Peace out! Knit on my peeps!

Monday, June 23, 2008


This little sweater, seems like it is taking me a lifetime. I started it last fall. Put it by my bed, for, just before I go to sleep knitting.
 It is on size 8 needles, which isn't bad. It is knit from the top down. 
The yarn is scented with lavender! But it is SOOOOOO boring!!!!! Round and round. Like a big sock, LOL. 
I love the yarn, and the scent makes me sleepy when I am knitting in bed! 
The pattern is from "Knitting Pure and Simple"
 I love that companies patterns. They are simple, classic patterns. 
I am on the first sleeve. I have about 2 inches left. Then I have the other sleeve and a neckline to finish. It is a sweater I am looking forward to finishing. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This is our MIA knitter, Linda. Well, its her foot and her FIRST  sock!!!!! She did a fantastic job.
I felt I needed to put her picture on top of the others, because e she worked so very hard to learn how to do the gusset and turn. Her yarn is the stuff with the aloe in it, so her feet will be nice and soft! Great job, Linda. Glad you came back. Have a nice vacation in Hilton Head!

 I felt it was time to share my knitters and crocheters with you.  Every Tuesday night, we are together. We laugh, we eat, we laugh, we cry, we laugh, we share. Oh yes, and we get a few rows of knitting and crocheting in.  I am so proud to say these are my friends. They are the kind of people you hope you meet in your lifetime. They really like you, care about you, worry about you , and celebrate all those little things with you, like...... finishing a row!  And then there are those major moments, like finishing a beautiful shawl, your first sock and a prized afghan! 

Knitter number 1, Jody and her beautiful Shawl.  Jody is a great knitter, she is a lefty. And she knits completely opposite of a righty. It is sooo cool to watch her. We love having her with us, her laughter is infectious.  
This is Vicky's leg. This is her first sock! She did a great job! I taught her to graph the end tonight, and she did it like a pro. Vicky had a hard time with double pointed so she taught herself the two circular needle way. She finished the sock in no time.  Vicky is our speed knitter. She is a no nunsense (LOL) kind of girl!

This is my favorite knit nite buddy. My mom. We are so very proud of her. She claimed she could not learn to do anything crafty.  Now, we all knew different. We just had to convince her. We did! This isn't her first afghan, but her second!!! Woop, there it is! Go momma, go momma! We love having her with us every tuesday.  She and her very best friend come together.  
That would be Donna. She isn't pictured, but her work is.  That is her work below. The black and gray. It's from the einstein book. Donna is such a hard worker. She produces the most beautiful pieces. She never likes her stuff, but trust me, it is always really nice. 

                                                                                      And our last knitter tonight is.....................
Chrystal. She is making a beautiful jacket for her, well maybe for her, maybe for her baby girl. We will see. Chrystal always is our steady, level headed, always puts things in perspective kinda girl. When we are troubled by something, she always has a way of making you feel better. And its always very practical, very, why didn't I think about it that way, advise.

These are just a few of us, there was one knitter who was MIA, and another who comes when she gets the knitting bug.  We all have so much fun together, that I wish the night would last forever. But then, I wouldn't ever get any knitting done! Something I need to do, right now.
Keep knitting. Too hot, try cotton or soy or maybe corn!!! Just knit!